Diary of Kyle
He sat on the bus and looked outside, thinking. He thought too much and he thought about love and he won't ever stop as he'd never enough. He closed his eyes. They opened to see commercial sights. There may have been a better way to deploy the spectrum of colours but no alternatives sprung to mind, so he thought about what money to save and how to spend it. He thought too much and he didn't know why he could hear these thoughts but not ever replies. The plastic in his ears provided him with music, which derived from an electrical current he could no longer fathom as he had done at school. The songs sung to him passed by harmlessly as he thought about what this electricity could be used for instead. Soon he would be at his place of employment, where he carried out the daily endurance test of avoiding boredom for as long as possible. Then he would continue to think until such time came as he was required to do. This was alleviated for half an hour in the middle of the day, during which he returned to soundtracked music as he walked the streets. He preferred to eschew the colours to roam amongst the residential greys and for this he received no financial compensation. Upon returning to the centre there were more carbon fumes from the people and machines. Despite his best intentions he would sometimes find himself smiling as he walked in the sun and thought about seeing her. His mind pictured how the letters 'mm-hmm-hmm!' could arrange themselves on a blank page and so almost laughed. While that so almost happened the round man walking in front of him turned and looked behind four times in a row. As he pondered the meaning of this intrusion he narrowly avoided walking into the black cat that sauntered across his path. After this he crossed the road and headed back into his confines. On the way home he thought he saw a window propped open with a shotgun but it was only a coathanger.
Labels: diary, kyle, population, thought