Population: Clive
I am a man of taste but not of money. This causes difficulty and leads to work, which leads to more difficulty as work is too easy. Push a button, earn a pay. That's what they say. Whoever they are have the basics correct but the details cause the difficulty, for pushing is a constant, repetitious stream of similarity, several hours a day, leaving little time to enjoy the easy life. However, when those times come, I ensure they are worthwhile. Far better to experience the best via my limited salary in the limited enjoyment time available than to experience the mundane all the time, all the time.
Kyle hears of my fondness for fine beers, meals, books, etc. and says he admires my patience as much as my taste. He is perhaps more scattershot in his purchases but he seems to be training himself to follow suit. His old bedroom was apparently riddled with mindless artefacts and junk, money wasted on distractions for a blink. I didn't know him then but from what he says he was constantly avoiding reality. Now he's brave enough not just to confront it but to find a way to enjoy it. And that’s all it is, really; self-fulfilment, not snobbery.
Kyle and I have been out drinking a few times with Steve, although neither of us really knows what to say to him. There are plenty of common interests and potential conversation starters, but we've never been able to move onto the next course without bumbling awkward silences. Last time we were all together was Kyle's birthday. He seemed more interested in maintaining constant physical contact with his new girlfriend, which is fair enough, and, being a Tuesday and all, I left early. Steve stuck around till the end, drinking fancy drinks with little appreciation for them. Oh, what fun!